Our Objectives
To identify and analyze the factors responsible for differential and tardy change and development, particularly in rural areas.
To design and implement micro-level social intervention programmes for capacity-building and improving the quality of life of the under-privileged or deprived people.
To evolve and implement communication strategies having the ability to influence the thinking and behavior of the people, esp. those in rural and tribal areas.
To organize need-based training and orientation workshops / programmes for opinion leaders, elected representatives and fieldworkers at the grass-roots level to bring about an accelerated pace of development;
To carry out an evaluation / assessment of on-going programmes meant to introduce or consolidate change and development in villages and towns.
To ascertain, in quantitative and qualitative terms, the impact of different programmes and schemes on the people and their lifestyle.
To formulate and conduct action research projects which pave the way for the empowerment of marginalized or weaker sections in society, esp. in rural and tribal areas.